Moonlight Madison of the biscuitbox

gew. 01.02.2018, ZBrH COL 76491
HD-A1, CEA genetisch Carrier, PRA genetisch frei, Hyperuricosuria N/N, GCS N/N,
MDR1(+/+), DM-N/N
Widerristhöhe 55 cm, Körklasse II
Nachzucht: nein



Julia Unterstenhöfer, Im Langen Feld 18, 21684 Agathenburg



Ch. Wicani Windhover Wicani Poetry And Prose Wicani Dragonsblood
Wicani Dappled Sunlight
Wicani Petticoats A'Flyin Van-M Music Man at Wicani
Seryphina Silk'N Petticoats at Wicani
Igraine Pendragon of the Biscuitbox Lewellen's Midnight Eclipse Bonayr's Classic
Lewellen's Light of Gold
Endless Summer of the Biscuitbox Heritage's Loyal Fellow
McCloud's Queen of Shadows




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